Saturday, November 30, 2019

Politics Of Displacement Essays - Guggenheim Fellows,

Politics Of Displacement Jean Elshtain, Chp.2 Democracy and the Politics of Displacement Response to Question 1: In the excerpted chapter titled Democracy and the Politics of Displacement, Jean Elshtain discusses the concept of ?politics of identity'. In discussing the ?politics of identity', Elshtain argues there is an emerging social phenomenon, wherein society is turning the private affairs of our lives into public discourse. The Western World has become a public pool, in which the information mediums and venues of society are overflowing with confessions and apologies. We have made the private affairs of our lives, into a booming business. Society has witnessed a proliferation of self - help groups, ?twelve- step' programs, anger management programs, television shows broadcasting a ?tell all' theme and Internet chat groups designed for people to post the confession and/or apology of the day. Inherently, it has not only become socially acceptable, but socially encouraged to air our dirty laundry. We are actively creating an ?Apologizing Society.' Elshtain argues that as the boundary separating the private and the public becomes increasingly hazed, a new social identity emerges. Elshtain argues that as this new social identity emerges, there arises a ?politics of identity.'Our social identity is no longer composed of differentiated spheres of human activity, but rather it has become a dichotomous social relationship involving those who are victims and those who are victimizers. Moreover, it is the quality or character of being a ?victim' that becomes public discourse. In turn, this quality of being a victim becomes an individual's primary or dominant identity: it defines their entire being. Through the process of class discussion, it was realized, that as the quality of being a victim enters the public lime- light, there emerges a social accumulation of victims and victimizers. The social accumulation of victims emerges as a result of two factors: 1) as the quality of being a victim becomes more public, it's definition and defining characteristics begin to broaden. Thereby, accumulating and embracing a variety of ?victims,'that otherwise, may never have come to view themselves as having been victimized; 2) as the definition of being a victim becomes more broad in the public sphere, it simultaneously becomes glorified and popularized. That is to say, society begins to credit a great deal of sympathy to, and focus a lot of attention on, those who have been victimized. As a result, a social phenomenon emerges, wherein everyone wants to be a ?victim.'As a final note, the social accumulation of victims continues, as some victims feel compelled to engage in the public service of sharing their experience with the world. For example, we often hear victims injecting society with notions of victimization through injunctions such as, My experience will have served a purpose, if I can help one person to understand that they are not alone. Essentially, there is a collective engagement among victims, to ?accumulate' more victims. Response to Question #2: Elshtain argues that the ?politics of displacement' are essentially bound up in the politics of identity, as the private self become increasingly more public, and therefore, the public begins to ?displace' the private self within society. Moreover, Elshtain argues that the politics of displacement are circumvented by two paradoxical connections, wherein: 1) everything private becomes public and 2) everything public becomes private. Through the course of class discussion, it was realized, that although Elshtain argues that everything public become private, she does not mean this, in its literal sense. Elshtain, merely presents the paradox to create the necessary juxtaposition, in which her politics of displacement can be clearly articulated. For Elshtain, the politics of displacement remain emphatic of the increasing disappearance of the boundary separating the private from the public spheres of social life. Elshtain further argues, that the politics of displacement are increasingly cutting away the social space necessary for society to maintain conventional politics. Elshtain concedes, that conventional politics have now become bound up in the politics of displacement and inherently, the politics of identity. Hence, this new social identity of being a ?victim,'which was discussed in the above response, has increasingly billowed over into conventional politics. For example, conventional or traditional politics did not encourage politicians to disclose information and details about their personal life, in contemporary society, ?telling all'

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Critical Thinking - Portfolio essay

buy custom Critical Thinking - Portfolio essay Critical thinking plays a vital role in an individuals learning process. This is an active process that involves examining different situations without bias, evaluating consequences of a decision, and eventually making a rational conclusion (Ellis, 1997). Before one agrees with an idea, questions ought to be asked about it, a thorough analysis be done and possibilities be exposed. In critical thinking, everything is taken as an assumption. In effect, critical thinkers believe that applying a critical thinking analysis is able to help in coming up with the comprehensive truth of situations. Critical thinking also seeks to find out differences between truths and fallacies. Critical thinkers try to be resourceful by using creative options that will help in coming up with the most effective option. The application of creativity in critical thinking is essential in keeping flawed human thinking in check. Ellis (1997) writes that brainstorming is one of the techniques that help in critically analyzing a situation before making a conclusive decision. It helps in coming up with as many solutions as possible for that situation. Some of the solutions may at first look foolish, but analyzing them leads to making a sober choice. It is important to look into all the solutions written down and question them. Critical thinkers have distinct qualities that make them stand out. These qualities help them in their main mission of finding the truth in a given situation. In this case, the first quality is acceptance. This makes them always accept all other opinions that may sometimes be against their thinking. To find the truth, they are all the time guided by the evidence. Another important quality that distinguishes a critical thinker from a non-critical thinker is the open-mindedness. A thinker values the diversified opinions of different individuals. They therefore see to it that they do not give opinions that appear biased. Due to this, they are able to make better choices than non-critical thinkers who only rely on their own opinions. The final quality is analytical ability. This helps a critical thinker in formulating a possible outcome that may arise when an opinion is adopted. This comes from the hunger for more information. With these qualities, a critical thinker is able to apply thi s technique to find the most effective option. To acquire the above qualities, a person should be willing to admit lack of knowledge in a given situation. This allows one to get more opinions and ideas that add into the knowledge. Being quick to criticize is also not a positive path towards being a critical thinker especially when the critics are negative. Thhis is only possible if one recognizes the differences that exist in every individual. In fact, no one is the same as the other. Questioning is also an important aspect of being a critical thinker. This is the real art of thinking critically. It widens the understanding of an individual to be able to make rational choices. Finally, it should be noted that learning entails acquiring knowledge of new things. Critical thinking is very essential to this process because it opens ones scope of understanding. Learning and critical thinking processes both require finding new ideas, analyzing them and eventually drawing comprehensive conclusions out of them. It should also be noted that in learning, observations are made, questions are asked, and evidence is unraveled to come up with concrete points. Critical thinking helps in opening the mind to this fact. It therefore greatly contributes to the learning process (Ellis, 1997). Thinking critically helps to build relativism in learners. The learner is able to develop the analysis out of the opinions from the others. By doing this, reasoning plays a major role in coming up with conclusions rather than engagements in negative criticism (Kurfiss, 1988). This means that when people are reasoning they are not offering negative options, instead they are searching for options that will build the conclusion. Buy custom Critical Thinking - Portfolio essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Boivail case

First, Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists. We can see that there must be an arrangement between Avail and distributor. Second, the sellers price to the buyer is fixed or determinable.Third, collegiality is reasonably assured. Fourth, Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered. From here, we could recognize revenue of the company according to FOB. FOB shipping point, title to the property rangers to the buyer when it leaves the shipping dock and therefore revenue should be recognized at that point. With FOB destination, title does not transfer to the buyer until they receive the goods and thus revenue is not recognized until that point 3. How does the accident affect the stated revenues under different FOB contract structures? Explain your reasoning? If Avail recognizes revenues when the product leaves Violas FOB shipping point then revenue should be recognized at that point. Therefore, the truck accident would have had no impact on Violas third quarter uncial results because the title to the product and the risk associated with the accident would have passed to the Distributor as soon as the truck left Violas. Then, overstating revenues and net income on financial statement should not have happened. However, Distributor mentioned that they recognized the distribution as FOB destination then revenue will only be received by Avail until goods arrived at the point, so if Avail recognizes revenue when the product has reached the Distributors FOB destination it has recognized revenue when it has been earned and ill accurately state revenues and net income on its financial statements. 4.Are you concerned about the companys treatment of analysts who cover the stock? Would you want to be an analyst covering this company? Yes, I am concerned especially about the downgraded stock recommendation that was given to Avail. However, I would not be an analyst covering the company because there were too many misleading information in the company that would cause me as analyst to formulate wrong decision. Moreover, it might also ruin my reputation as analyst if I formulated wrong decision.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Emirates Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Emirates Airlines - Essay Example Emirates is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world and it has consistently posted an average of 20% growth in annual profit since 1985 (Plunkett, 2007). This research studies some key components of Emirates Airlines and how it relates to tourism and management. It examines the operational characteristics of the airline and how it aims at expanding its scope. The second section of the paper examines the financial performance of the airline and its implications. Finally, the paper examines the competitive situation of the airline and concludes on the findings. From the webpage of Emirates Airlines (Emirates Story, 2012), it started operating in October 1985. It aimed at providing high quality flight services to and from Dubai. The airline is mainly owned by the government of Dubai but it operates as an independent entity. Emirates has over 160 aircrafts and flies to over 100 destinations in 66 countries. A total of 40% of the flights are to or from Dubai. The growth in traffic for Emirates Airlines is characterized by the cumulative expansion of the airlines fleet. In 2001, there were just about 9 million passengers who flew on Emirates but by 2006, it had increased to 17.5 million (Graham et al, 2010). This is done through the offer of different classes of services that ensures that different people from different backgrounds are serviced by the airliner. Emirates flies to 111 cities and operates in five different global regions around the world (Emirates Routes, 2012). In each of these regions, Emirates Airlines provides various services that aim at meeting certain targets that are unique to the continent. In Africa, Emirates flies to 21 cities on the continent. Emirates flights to Africa was hinged on the expansion of business activities with Dubai. Since Dubai was set to become an international destination that links the developing world to Europe and North America. Due to the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Trade Union UNITE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Trade Union UNITE - Essay Example Management wants high profits and lower costs so that profitability can be maximised. For achieving such a target, the employees are affected by the management. In the urge to reduce the cost of production and operation, at times the management ignored the genuine rights of workers striving hard to achieve the organisational goals. They overlook the fact that it is due to their valuable workforce that they are able to achieve their desired targets and profits for the firm. If the employees do not perform their job roles, then there is no way the organisation can complete its target in its stipulated time period. Employees need to be given strong consideration by all organisations but mostly it is observed that employees at times are taken for granted by organisations. As workers realized that they are the major drivers of production and operation cycles and all the activities are dependent upon them, they rightfully thought of protecting their interest. The workers working for their rights is important for them as they should not be taken by granted by the organisation and should be provided with the complete resources for conducting their tasks effectively and efficiently. Particularly speaking in the context of workplace, the workers raised their voice to improve their working conditions and get the recognition of their inevitable role in the organisational functions. The body established with this purpose was named as trade union. Trade Unions are in place since long to protect the rights of workers at workplace (Smethurst and Ryan, 2009). They serve as independent organisations whereby the workers serving in various organisations register themselves to protect their rights and interests. In case of conflict of interest between the management and worker, the trade union is considered to be the representative of worker. The trade union can be approached by the worker concerning the issues they have with the organisation, and the trade union takes action accor dingly, either through negotiation or other resolution strategies. It is an organised entity which is backed by Law in the country. The labour laws promote the workers to be part of the trade union so that it can be strengthened and the interests of workers can be protected to the maximum (Scrope and Barnett, 2008). The importance of trade unions increases in the developed countries like UK. The reason lies in the fact that these countries are economically developed and organisations are well settled. The regulation has great control over them so that they can play important role in the overall development of the country. As labour is considered to be a force, its empowerment may lead to significant consequences at workplace. It is important to note, that the modern world is highly dynamic and unpredictable. The modern workforce is also knowledgeable and is well versed with the labour laws of the country; hence they work towards retrieving their rights at the optimum level, either t hrough trade unions or other legal ways. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Eurobond Essay Example for Free

Eurobond Essay Bonds, mutual funds and stocks are the most prevalent asset categories in business, thus they attract mainly the market’s attention. But other significant investment prospects must also b kept in mind by an investor like futures, options, and currencies. Even though these types of investments are quite complicated and usually aimed at experienced investors, it’s very important to understand how they work or function to enable an investor to decide if these types of investments would play a role in an investor’s overall investment plan. And for an international investor, a Eurobond might be quite an attractive investment to choose. A Eurobond is a bond distributed and exchanged internationally that is denominated in a currency that is not the currency of the market or country where it was distributed. For example, a Eurodollar bond denominated in American dollar maybe issued in other countries other than the U. S. A. like Canada by a German firm. A real-world example of this is a Eurobond launched by the World Bank denominated in Norwegian Krone and listed or distributed in European market, or in Luxembourg to be more precise (World Bank, 2001). Eurobond is a very interesting financing instrument that offers the provider the flexibility of selecting the country in which to bargain their bonds according to that country’s regulatory restrictions. It also gives the provider the free will to decide what currency their Eurobond would be denominated. For an investor, it is also a very appealing financial investment to make because it offers small par values and relatively high liquidity. This gives the investor a good rate of return or cost of capital. But there is an issue for the stakeholder in this type of bond. Since the Eurobond is not subjected to withholding tax, the stakeholder must declare in his / her income tax the revenue attained. Eurobonds are actually classified in five categories: (1) Straight Eurobonds, bonds issued at fixed price with fixed conversion; (2) Variable rate notes; (3) Subordinate issues, bonds wherein the investor’s right to payment is subordinate to the right of the issuers. (4) Assed-backed issues, bonds wherein the credit of the collateral depicts separate assets; (5) Convertibles, bonds that may be traded for shares at a fixed value. To end this discussion, some things must be kept in mind regarding Eurobonds. Eurobonds are tradable tools; its purpose is to be bought and sold for the duration of maturity. Also, Eurobonds are not subjected to taxation and mostly free from government policy and restrictions.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cigarette Smoking Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

Cigarette Smoking The effects of cigarette smoking can be horrifying. Smoking is dangerous not only to those who smoke, but to non-smokers and unborn children as well. Cigarette smoking is also physically and socially harming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The large particles in cigarette smoke, commonly known as â€Å"tar†, collect in the branching points of the lungs. The tar contains carcinogenic compounds that increase the risk of lung cancer. The small particles in cigarette smoke, including carcinogens, irritants, and corrosive chemicals, collect in the small air sacs in the lungs and damage them. These air sacs are where the blood absorbs oxygen from the air. When the small particles from the cigarette smoke are absorbed into the blood stream and transported to other parts of the body, they include a variety of diseases.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The smoke from a burning cigarette is a mixture of hot gasses and different sized particles that fills the air with over 4000 chemicals, including 43 carcinogens and over 400 other toxins (Glantz & Daynard, 1991). One of the gasses emitted by cigarette is carbon monoxide, a colorless and orderless poison. By attaching to hemoglobin, the carbon monoxide lessens the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. There are many effects of cigarette smoking on the actual smoker. They include lung cancer and other cancers, cardiovascular malfunctions, strokes, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Cigarette smoking may even lead to changes in the smoker’s appearance such as early wrinkling and yellowing of their teeth. Heart disease and cardiovascular malfunctions are also major effects of cigarette smoking. A chemical in cigarette smoke called glycoprotein attaches to smooth muscle cells inside arteries, causing the interior of these cells to grow. The hollow space inside the artery narrows, which could cause a blockage of the blood flow to the heart and may lead to heart pains or possibly a heart attack. Lung cancer is responsible for 117,000 American deaths per year according to the American Cancer Society (1992). It is the cause of 25% of all cancer deaths and 5% of all deaths (Schaadt, 1992). Most carcinogens are the actual particles in cigarette smoke that may cause lung cancer. The particles include tar, metals (nickel and cadmium), and other chemicals such as benzophyrene and dibenzanthracene. The lung airwaves are c... ...f their stress, it is actually causing harmful effects from them and others. Cigarette smoking causes many types of cancers including lung cancer. Strokes, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema also arise from cigarette smoking. Non-smokers suffer from many of the same cancers and diseases, and often more such as coughing, wheezing, irrated eyes and throat, and asthma. Children living with smokers become passive smokers causing decreases in weight and height. There are many dangers as a result of cigarette smoking not only to smokers, but to non-smokers as well. Bibliography Bowman, L. (1995, August). New Research: Chew, Don’t Smoke, If you need nicotine. Scripps Howard News Service (Online). Gano, L. (1989). Smoking. San Dfiego, CA: Lucent Books Inc. Glantz, S.A & Daynard, R.A (1991, June). Safeguarding the workplace: Health Hazards of Secondhand Smoke. Trial (Online). Monroe, J. (1995). Nicotine. Springfield, N.J: Enslow Publishers Inc. Pietrusza, D. (1997). Smoking. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books Inc. Schaadt, R.G (1992). Tobacco and Health. Guilford, CT: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Convictions Paper

Convictions 1 Convictions Ohio Christian University CM3000 – Christian Excellence Convictions 2 We all live our lives according to our set of personal convictions. Personal convictions are the blueprints that guide us down the path of life. We generally obtain our core convictions during childhood based on our culture, where we live and our religious beliefs. It is probably safe to say that no two people will have the exact same convictions because each of our experiences and backgrounds vary in some manner.When thinking about convictions, I am reminded of the following scripture; â€Å"One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind† (Romans 14:5). Although the Bible does not specifically mention convictions, I am sure that Paul was talking about each person’s individual convictions. In the book Christian Excellence Alternative To Success written by Jon Johnston, he tells us that there are four pitfall concerning convictions that we have to be aware of: 1. Superstitious Convictions 2. Convictions that attract attention for selfish egos . Convictions generated by an unwillingness to change 4. Convictions that are negative Convictions 3 Convictions that are Superstitious As a professed Christian, I have often been guilty of looking at horoscopes and once for a lark, going to a psychic. However; even when I was indulging in each of these activities I felt a little squeamish. I was taught to believe that God alone knows our futures. By reading the horoscopes and going to the psychic, I was not being true to my religious convictions. As Christians, we have to be careful to stay away from anything that opposes biblical teaching.When we indulge in something that is superstitious it advocates faith in something other than God, and it is a form of divination. We cannot determine God's will for our lives through horoscopes or psychics. As Christians, we are to read the Bibl e and pray to God in order to gain wisdom and guidance. Convictions that Attract attention for a selfish ego Matthew 6: 16-18 states, â€Å"â€Å"Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance so that they will be noticed by men when they are fasting.Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. â€Å"But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you,† (King James). For me, this is the essence of not attracting attention for a selfish ego. Everything that we do should be for the Glory of God and not the approval of man. When we live by convictions based on what man thinks, we open our heart to sin, including the sin of egotism.Lucifer, who was one on God’s most glorious creations, fell from grace due to his ego. Convictions 4 When we allow ourselves to be reeled in by our egos, we put ourselves in the â€Å"first place† that belongs only to God. In effect we are separating ourselves from depending on God. I have to be very careful of using the words I and me. I have overcome a lot of issues and now have a great life. However; I try and always remember to leave ego out and remember that it was by and thru the Grace of God. Convictions generated by Unwillingness to ChangeIn the textbook Christian Excellence Johnston says, â€Å"Today, some of us slide into a â€Å"conviction rut† in order to avoid facing change† (p. 132). My Father was 32 years older than my Mother. I was born when my father was 52 and my sister when he was 56. My Father was born in 1910 and had grown up thru the depression and under conditions that were vastly different from my sister and I. My Father had to make many changes in his thoughts, actions and attitudes to ensure that he was able to be the best Father in the world.This included g oing places he was not used to and participating in activities foreign to him so that we could navigate a modern life. I am absolutely certain this was difficult for him, but because of the love he felt for us he was willing to change. Often when people are unable to accept change, they become isolated. I don’t think by making changes in our lives we have to go against God. Titus 3:5 states, â€Å"He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,† (King James).The scripture speaks of renewal and regeneration and they both require change. We have to be able to change our attitudes in order to ge Convictions 5 along with others. Johnston is not saying that we have to change our values, but we have to be willing to adapt ourselves to situations. In the textbook, he gave an example of how some were not willing to accept new medical advances. I am one who believes tha t God provides the knowledge available to Doctors to save lives. Accepting the benefits of medical technology is a form of being able to accept change.The Jews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because they were unable to accept change. They were unable to move beyond the life of slavery and cruel masters to the lives that God had ordained them. Their inability to accept change induced them to be grumblers and complainers. It literally isolated them from God. Convictions that are Negative In the course of life, I have heard dialogue from some Christians and thought to myself, â€Å"they do not inspire anyone to become a Christian. † This was due to their negativity. It seemed as if everything was a sin.They treated everyone else as a condemned sinner not worthy of God’s love. Alfred A. Montapert said, â€Å"Avoid destructive thinking. Improper negative thoughts sink people. A ship can sail around the world many, many times, but just let enough water get into the ship and it will sink. Just so with the human mind. Let enough negative thoughts or improper thoughts get into the human mind and the person sinks just like a ship† (worldofquotes. com). Jesus encountered many negative people even while he was attempting to save them from sin.Even one of the men hanging on the cross with Jesus instead of asking for mercy, went to his death a pathetic and negative person. When we are negative, are hearts are heartened to good news. I think this is a sin. The Bible admonishes us to â€Å"In the same way, let your light shine Convictions 6 before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven,(Matthew 5:16). As Christians one of our primary roles is to lead others to Christ. When we are negative and sour faced we are unable to do that.In closing, although we all do have different convictions, If we are Christian, we have a common denominator, Jesus Christ. I think we have to occasionally examine our convictions and dete rmine if they are Christ like. We have to determine if we have wrapped ourselves in a self-righteous cloak of convictions that is more worldly than Godly. Convictions 7 References Johnston, J. (1996). Christian Excellence Alternative To Success. Second Edition. JKO Publishing. Franklin, Tn. World of Quotes. Retrieved March 2012. Alfred A. Montepert. http://www. worldofquotes. com/Negative: Convictions Paper Convictions 1 Convictions Ohio Christian University CM3000 – Christian Excellence Convictions 2 We all live our lives according to our set of personal convictions. Personal convictions are the blueprints that guide us down the path of life. We generally obtain our core convictions during childhood based on our culture, where we live and our religious beliefs. It is probably safe to say that no two people will have the exact same convictions because each of our experiences and backgrounds vary in some manner.When thinking about convictions, I am reminded of the following scripture; â€Å"One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind† (Romans 14:5). Although the Bible does not specifically mention convictions, I am sure that Paul was talking about each person’s individual convictions. In the book Christian Excellence Alternative To Success written by Jon Johnston, he tells us that there are four pitfall concerning convictions that we have to be aware of: 1. Superstitious Convictions 2. Convictions that attract attention for selfish egos . Convictions generated by an unwillingness to change 4. Convictions that are negative Convictions 3 Convictions that are Superstitious As a professed Christian, I have often been guilty of looking at horoscopes and once for a lark, going to a psychic. However; even when I was indulging in each of these activities I felt a little squeamish. I was taught to believe that God alone knows our futures. By reading the horoscopes and going to the psychic, I was not being true to my religious convictions. As Christians, we have to be careful to stay away from anything that opposes biblical teaching.When we indulge in something that is superstitious it advocates faith in something other than God, and it is a form of divination. We cannot determine God's will for our lives through horoscopes or psychics. As Christians, we are to read the Bibl e and pray to God in order to gain wisdom and guidance. Convictions that Attract attention for a selfish ego Matthew 6: 16-18 states, â€Å"â€Å"Whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance so that they will be noticed by men when they are fasting.Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. â€Å"But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you,† (King James). For me, this is the essence of not attracting attention for a selfish ego. Everything that we do should be for the Glory of God and not the approval of man. When we live by convictions based on what man thinks, we open our heart to sin, including the sin of egotism.Lucifer, who was one on God’s most glorious creations, fell from grace due to his ego. Convictions 4 When we allow ourselves to be reeled in by our egos, we put ourselves in the â€Å"first place† that belongs only to God. In effect we are separating ourselves from depending on God. I have to be very careful of using the words I and me. I have overcome a lot of issues and now have a great life. However; I try and always remember to leave ego out and remember that it was by and thru the Grace of God. Convictions generated by Unwillingness to ChangeIn the textbook Christian Excellence Johnston says, â€Å"Today, some of us slide into a â€Å"conviction rut† in order to avoid facing change† (p. 132). My Father was 32 years older than my Mother. I was born when my father was 52 and my sister when he was 56. My Father was born in 1910 and had grown up thru the depression and under conditions that were vastly different from my sister and I. My Father had to make many changes in his thoughts, actions and attitudes to ensure that he was able to be the best Father in the world.This included g oing places he was not used to and participating in activities foreign to him so that we could navigate a modern life. I am absolutely certain this was difficult for him, but because of the love he felt for us he was willing to change. Often when people are unable to accept change, they become isolated. I don’t think by making changes in our lives we have to go against God. Titus 3:5 states, â€Å"He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,† (King James).The scripture speaks of renewal and regeneration and they both require change. We have to be able to change our attitudes in order to ge Convictions 5 along with others. Johnston is not saying that we have to change our values, but we have to be willing to adapt ourselves to situations. In the textbook, he gave an example of how some were not willing to accept new medical advances. I am one who believes tha t God provides the knowledge available to Doctors to save lives. Accepting the benefits of medical technology is a form of being able to accept change.The Jews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because they were unable to accept change. They were unable to move beyond the life of slavery and cruel masters to the lives that God had ordained them. Their inability to accept change induced them to be grumblers and complainers. It literally isolated them from God. Convictions that are Negative In the course of life, I have heard dialogue from some Christians and thought to myself, â€Å"they do not inspire anyone to become a Christian. † This was due to their negativity. It seemed as if everything was a sin.They treated everyone else as a condemned sinner not worthy of God’s love. Alfred A. Montapert said, â€Å"Avoid destructive thinking. Improper negative thoughts sink people. A ship can sail around the world many, many times, but just let enough water get into the ship and it will sink. Just so with the human mind. Let enough negative thoughts or improper thoughts get into the human mind and the person sinks just like a ship† (worldofquotes. com). Jesus encountered many negative people even while he was attempting to save them from sin.Even one of the men hanging on the cross with Jesus instead of asking for mercy, went to his death a pathetic and negative person. When we are negative, are hearts are heartened to good news. I think this is a sin. The Bible admonishes us to â€Å"In the same way, let your light shine Convictions 6 before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven,(Matthew 5:16). As Christians one of our primary roles is to lead others to Christ. When we are negative and sour faced we are unable to do that.In closing, although we all do have different convictions, If we are Christian, we have a common denominator, Jesus Christ. I think we have to occasionally examine our convictions and dete rmine if they are Christ like. We have to determine if we have wrapped ourselves in a self-righteous cloak of convictions that is more worldly than Godly. Convictions 7 References Johnston, J. (1996). Christian Excellence Alternative To Success. Second Edition. JKO Publishing. Franklin, Tn. World of Quotes. Retrieved March 2012. Alfred A. Montepert. http://www. worldofquotes. com/Negative:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Top 10 Acting Schools of the World

Ina highly competitive profession like acting , one must never underestimate the importance of professional and formal training. Irrespective of whether you excel or have a unique flair in this art , there are a variety of techniques , perspectives , methods etc that could help you when you embark into theatre and films. While training to become an an actor doesn’t necessarily require a degree from a college or professional learning, many of the best actors in world cinema have grown to be well rounded and highly benefitted from their professional courses.The whole concept of acting will usually comprise of 2/3rd natural talent and 1/3rd of training Also the physical location of the place is crucial because it determines the connections , affiliations and opportunities that you need to go through. There are schools that train you specifically for theatre, specifically for films or both. The timings may be rigorous and the practices may get intense. However if you are a passion ate actor , this will also be an exciting and memorable experience.The usual undergraduate degrees are Bachelor of Arts(BA) or Bachelor of Fine Arts( BFA). Graduate degrees may include Master of Arts(MA) , Master of Science ( MSC) Master of Fine Arts(MFA) Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Fine Arts, or Doctor of Philosophy ( PHD) degrees. Also various institutes provide shorter foundation and summer courses for students in school and otherwise. It is essential that you conduct an intensive research before choosing acting. Here are the top 10 acting schools across the world to pursue courses in acting : Juilliard School of dramaFounded in 1905, the Juilliard School of drama situated in the Ney York city is the most prestigious institution on the world for theatre that provides top notch acting training. The faculty consists of Grammy, Pulitzer Prize and Academy Award winners who combine physical and vocal training in such a way so that every student performs to the best of his / her capaciti es. The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama is a 4 year course and The Masters degree for the same is also for the same duration. The school receives more than 1000 applications every year out of which only 18 of them are admitted at the end of it.Even though the admission procedures are extremely stringent, one would be extremely fortunate to be a part of this institute. Some of the Julliard students who have managed to make it big are Christopher Reeves, Kevin Spacey and Robin Williams. The Juilliard School 60 Lincoln Centre Plaza New York NY 10023-6588. The oxford school of drama UK’S oxford school of drama is a 26 year old esteemed drama institution that offers diploma and foundation courses in acting. They provide a 3 year undergraduate course, a one year acting course and a six month foundation course.It also runs a six month programme in musical theatre. Catherine McCormack, Anna Galvin and Christina Cole are some of the famous alumni of this school. The Oxford School of Dr ama Sansomes Farm Studios Woodstock, Oxford OX20 1ER England, United Kingdom Yale School of drama The Yale School of Drama is a graduate professional conservatory for theatre training in every discipline of the art form: acting. School are known for their accomplishments on the legitimate stage, in film and television, and a variety of other creative fields.It offers a Master in Fine Arts as a postgraduate degree and a Certificate of Drama for those who do not hold an undergraduate degree. All students are admitted on the basis of their talent and career potential . Also each one of the applicants who meetsthe MFA/certificate requirements must audition in person inorder to become a part of this university. Yale Cabaret is one of its extracurricular initiative where students perform and create projects on their own. Distinguished former students of Yale include Paul Newman, Meryl Streep and Sigourney Weaver Yale School of Drama 149 York Street New Haven, CT 06511 Royal Scottish Acade myThe Royal Scottish Academy is a UK conservatoire that promises to provide you with a solid foundation in acting, voice and movement. They have acting showcases held in places such as Glasgow and London and this provide you with an opportunity to showcase your talent to leading casting directors and agents. They provide both bachelors and masters in this field to aspiring actors and actresses . They also have summer schools and short courses in drama for children, young people, adults and arts professionals. It has an impressive alumni profile such as Alan Cumming, James McAvoy, and David Tennant etc The CentreCity Centre Glasgow G2 3DB Scotland, United Kingdom. NYU Tisch School of arts The Tisch School of Arts that come under New York University is the most esteemed centre for performing arts in the USA. Situated in the theatre capital of America; it provides technical, professional and practical training to students in its discipline. The Department of Drama offers a four-year un dergraduate course and the graduate acting programme offers a Master in Fine Arts degree however it is extremely difficult to be inducted into the latter programme ( as they take in only 18 students ) .Its famous alumni consists of Whoopi Goldberg, Angelina Jolie, Alec Baldwin, Anne Hathaway and Adam Sandler NYU Tisch School of the Arts 721 Broadway New York, NY 10003. Guildhall school Founded in 1800 in England, the Guildhall school of Music and Drama provides a BA and an MA in acting. Owned and funded by the Corporation of London, the school is well known for its â€Å"passion, quality and rigour† of teaching. Students experience working in a professional context to professional standards with an exemplary pool of outstanding artists who work with us as directors, conductors, coaches and tutors.They are well known for the menities provided that includes a 308-seat theatre for students to develop their skills in drama and get a real feel and experience. Some of the Guildhall students who have made their mark in Hollywood are orlando bloom , Daniel Craig and Evan McGregor Guildhall School of Music and Drama Silk St. , Barbican London EC2Y 8DT, England, United Kingdom. American conservatory theatre This non profit theatre company provides a 3 year Master of Fine Arts program in acting for aspirational individuals and providing them with a course wherein they have a chance to rehears and performs various classic and contemporary acts.Its distinguished alumni include Denzel Washington , Nicholas cage and Teri Hatcher American Conservatory Theatre 415 Geary Street San Francisco, CA 94102. Birmingham school of acting Established in 1963 , This leading premier vocational school offers a BA ( Hons) in acting and in BA (Hons) Community and Applied Theatre and an MA in Acting. They also provide foundation courses and summer schools in the same field. This specialist institute Some of their students include Sophia bush , Kelly Preston and tom selleck . Birmingham School of Acting G2 – Millennium PointCurzon Street, Birmingham B4 7XG, England, United Kingdom. American Repertory institute Established by the American Repertory theatre , its institute is a non for profit theatre organization that aims to prepare the students in a unique way so that they establish their mark in this field. It offers a 2 year MFA programme , an MFA Dramaturgy and Theatre Studies programme and an MFA in voice and speech programme. It mostly concentrates on theatrical acting and is thus one of the most respected universities when it comes to stage actor training.It collaborates with professional expertise in Eastern Europe and Russia wherein it offers a three month training and working period in the Moscow Art theatre school American Repertory Institute 64 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138 London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts This independent drama school in West London provides students with a Three and Two Year course in Acting validated by the unive rsity of Kent. This school was started in the 19th century and has been creating fine actors for theatre and films.If you take into consideration aspects such as stage management, , acting and directing, technical work LAMDA could be considered the most historically productive drama school in the United Kingdom. Often the ratio of student to teacher is 1-3, allowing for some of the most intense instruction in the industry. Since the ratio of a teacher to student is 1:3 , It is evident that one on one interaction is given high importance here and every individual is attended to personally. Donald Sutherland , Colin baker , Anthony head are some of the famous people who were a part of this academy

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pushkins essays

Pushkin's essays Pushkins short story, The Shot, has an emphasis on the duel as it was in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and on the delicate balance of life and death that is brought into existence when a duel is begun. The narrator is not the protagonist, but rather a sort-of nondescript soldier; and while the story is written from his point of view, he does not play a very large role. The central figure of the plot is a grizzled retired hussar named Silvio. The narrator takes a singular interest in this mysterious figure that resides near his companys base of operations, but his interest disappears when Silvio is insulted by a drunken aggressor but fails to punish the insult with death. Shortly thereafter, Silvio receives a letter and announces to the officers that he has to leave immediately, but heinvites them all to dinner at his house one last time. After the rest of the officers have returned home, Silvio takes the narrator aside. Apparently disturbed by the narrators distant behavior, he tells the story of his past. As a hussar, Silvio was a great duelist and a favorite among his peers. When his popularity fell as a result of the arrival of a new soldier who is more handsome and witty than Silvio, he insulted him with the goal of inciting a duel. When it is Silvios turn to shoot, he is disheartened by his enemys casual behavior and nonchalance in the face of death. He calls the duel off until later. The letter Silvio received had told him that his enemy was being married to a beautiful young woman, and Silvio decides that now is the time to finish his duel, and travels off to find the newlyweds. Five years later, A rich count and his beautiful young wife move into the narrators neighborhood. It turns out that this is Silvios mortal enemy, and that he found them and made as if to finish the duel, but seeing the wifes fear and the husbands terror, he left satisfie...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rentier state theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rentier state theory - Essay Example Monopolies- overreliance on external rent always comes at a cost. The fact that these parties involved may have in abundance the resources they engage in this kind of rent acquisition in itself may lead to adverse influence on the business behavior. This may lead to monopolization of the market since these resources are highly valued. The aspect of monopoly sets in when a nation enters a trade pact with your nation thus wanting to dictate the terms of trade. They may opt to be the only supplier of the resource thus monopolizing the economy. Trading restrictions- since the states involved are rich in certain highly valuable resources, they may decide to impose the terms of trade and even putting up some restriction measures to ensure they remain dominant. They restrict a party involved from engaging commercially with other nations. Solicitation of aids- States involved in rentierism may engage in a mutually benefiting way. They may engage in giving aids in order to get some political influence in that particular region or over the nation. This is majorly common with the United States who subsidizes project of other nations in exchange for influence. This may impact the business behavior by influencing its

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Economics - Assignment Example An average American and Indian live relatively different lives. This is due to fact that the population level hits more than 300 million in India. The high population rate has strained the economic and natural resources of the country to an extent that almost 30% of the India’s population live below the poverty line. Poverty remains a chronic condition in India (Zhu, 2008). The great industrialization in the U.S. has put high rate of efficient production in relation to a manageable population levels makes the living standards of the American citizens to be at par. Education –the change in American education system that is practical oriented is an avenue of economic prosperity as the citizens specialize in areas of best in ability and interest to hasten the production levels and efficiency in such fields rather theoretical aspects that contribute less to the general output (Cheneryet al., 2001). Human resource expertise –this would entail experience and job specialization. The growing industrialization in the U.S. is a hub of experience gain and job specialization in creating efficacy and increased productivity among the people. Experience gained in the line of duty is resourceful to the development of the individuals. Consumer purchasing power (CPP) –the cost of a unit good that a dollar can purchase has a great impact on the lives of the individuals. This bundle of good that one can have in a basket would impact on his social well-being as this entails what limits to consume with the ability to afford (Arnold, 2011). Currency stability –the economic stability of the domestic currency with respect to the dollar is impacting so much on the lives of the individuals (D’Souza, 2008). When the local currency is stable enough there is certainty in doing business and its prospects can be estimated to project on the sustainability of the